Insurance Lawyer Services

insurance lawyer

LHS LAWFIRM is a insurance lawyer services in indonesian areas, include special region of Yogyakarta, sleman, bantul, kulonprogo, gunungkidul, semarang, magelang, temanggung, surakarta, solo, boyolali, salatiga, purworejo, kebumen, etc.

In providing insurance lawyer services, LHS LAW FIRM also handles debt disputes between companies, rights disputes, copyrights, trademarks, industrial designs cases, trade secrets, patents, integrated circuit layouts, geographical indications, plant varieties, cases of joint ventures, insurance claims for losses. , labor disputes with employees, cases of termination of employment or labor, product liability and consumer protection, medical and hospital malpractice cases, bankruptcy cases and postponement of debt payment obligations, environmental lawsuits, dangerous waste pollution, odor pollution and sound, handling company asset protection, investment and investment cases both domestic and foreign capital, corporate criminal cases, bad credit issues and execution of guarantees both mortgage rights and fiduciary guarantees, franchise or franchise disputes, management of company legality and licensing, assisting with company establishment, drafting and analyzing contracts or business agreements, changing business entities, making legal opinions on legal cases, and so on.

With affordable attorney fees for small, medium and large companies, we are here to assist your company in handling business and corporate law cases. If you and/or your company need our legal services, please contact Mobile / Whats App : 081-3282-55555, or Click Here.

Other Areas of Legal Practice : Banking & Finance Law \ Hukum Perbakan & Keuangan, Medical & Health Law \ Hukum Kedokteran,  Kesehatan, Competition Law \ Hukum Persaingan, Construction Law \ Hukum Bangunan, Corporate Law \ Hukum Perusahaan, Employement Law \ Hukum Ketenagakerjaan, Business Criminal Law \ Hukum Pidana Bisnis, Insonvency & Bankcruptcy \ Kepailitan & PKPU, Insurance Law \ Hukum Asuransi, Intellectual Property Law \ Hukum Kekayaan Intelektual, Real Estate & Property law \ Hukum Real Estate & Properti, Environmental Law \ Hukum Lingkungan Hidup, Tax Law \ Hukum Perpajakan, Product & Consumer Law \ Hukum Produk & Konsumen, Industrial Law \ Hukum Industri, Export & Import Law \ Hukum Ekspor & Impor, Energy & Infrastructure Law \ Hukum Energi & Infrastruktur, Mining Law \ Hukum Pertambangan, Sports Law \ Hukum Olahraga, Human Rights Law \ Hukum HAM, Immigration Law \ Hukum Imigrasi, Aviation Law \ Hukum Penerbangan, Shipping & Maritime Law \ Hukum Perkapalan & Kelautan, Expedition & Cargo Law \ Hukum Pengangkutan Barang, Transportation Law \ Hukum Perjalanan Darat, Media & Entertainment Law \ Hukum Media & Hiburan, Education Law \ Hukum Pendidikan, Merger & Acquisition Law \ Hukum Merger & Akuisisi, Comunication Law \ Hukum komunikasi, Military Law \ Hukum Peradilan Militer, Information & Technology Law \ Hukum Informasi & Teknologi, Franchise Law \ Hukum Waralaba, insurance lawyer services, dan lain sebagainya.